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Kat: Outstanding Children’s Book Touching On Healthy Eating, Cultural Awareness, and Beauty. “As an educator who runs a school garden, Peculiar Produce is a student favorite that allows us to introduce important concepts in our curriculum. We use Peculiar Produce with our younger students to see the beauty and value in fruits and vegetables (and humans) that don’t look like you might expect.”
Joe: Engaging, even for older kids. “My daughter is 7 and a pretty proficient reader and LOVED this book. Something about the names and animated vegetable characters truly engrossed her and had her reading to me out loud, and asking questions. Oh, a side benefit? It could be the power of association, but she’s been eating MORE veggies since owning this book!”
Customer: Great Book for Kids. “My 3-year-old son loves this book and asks for it repeatedly at storytime. I appreciate that it’s introducing him to a world of veggies and its alliteration is also helping him understand what each letter of the alphabet sounds and looks like. This book is a must-have if you have a toddler.”
Laura: A charming read for kids and adults. “Beautiful, rich illustrations and colorful, playful yet vocabulary-expanding text. Even as an adult, I quite enjoyed the time I spent with my nose in this book. The clever use of alliteration on each page will tickle you, and I appreciated the list of fun facts about each food at the end.”
カスタマー: 大人も子供も読める可愛い絵本. “とっても可愛い個性的な野菜たちがアルファベット順に絵本になっています💕 日本ではあまり目にすることのない野菜や果物の名前も入っているので、読んでいてとても楽しいです🌱 大人の英語の勉強にも、最初のABCを学ぶ子どもたちにもおすすめの絵本です.”
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